Smart Group je vodeća tvrtka u području ljudskih resursa podrijetlom iz Nizozemske koja u Hrvatskoj uspješno djeluje dulje od 20 godina. Iskusni i stručni Smart Group konzultanti specijalizirani su u područjima traženja i selekcije kadrova, obračuna plaće i HR administracije te zbrinjavanja viška radnika (outplacementu).

CloudSense has been working with Smart Group Recruitment for more than eight years. We initially got in touch when CloudSense has been starting operation in Croatia and had to rapidly scale up the number of its employees. From the first moment I "clicked" with Mrs. Livia Reljic and Mrs. Ivana Dumbovic on a professional and personal level. We shared core values of professionalism, hard work, partnership and loyalty, while at the same time our communication, verbal or written always kept a zest of good laugh and camaraderie.
In a first few years of CloudSense, our hiring rate was the most intensive and we wouldn't be able to reach that level without Smart Group - our recruiting partners. More than a half of the employees that we hired in these early years came with their help. They have been always very careful of listening our requirements regarding ideal candidate and then very organized and diligent which was a particularly difficult task because we could not count on existence of any work force at that time in Croatia with knowledge and even some experience of Salesforce technology. At that time CloudSense hired more than 80 people with the assistance of Smart Group. It is important to say that CloudSense at that time was not only trying to increase its size with general type of resources but we also needed some very specific profiles with particular knowledge and experience - and it is also here where Smart Group played the most important role in finding these people. Some of our leading people today have been resourced through Smart Group.
For me Smart Group wasn't just another resource supplier but rather a loyal business partner and advisor through all these years of our tremendous growth in Croatia and I can wholeheartedly recommend them to any business which needs a help in finding adequate IT resources.
Davor Duboković, Director of Shared Services

Ariston u Hrvatskoj nema HR tim i od početka svog otvaranja surađujemo sa konzultantima Smart Group-e, koji su nam u pravom smislu te riječi partner za sve HR usluge. Pružili su nam aktivnu podršku u segmentu traženja i selekcije na svim razinama kadrova te smo uz njihovu pomoć u potpunosti ekipirali cijeli svoj tim, dobili vrhunske kadrove s kojima smo izrazito zadovoljni, a i dalje im se obraćamo kod svakog dodatnog širenja tima. Uz to, uvijek su bili spremni savjetovati nas i usmjeriti po pitanju očekivanja kandidata sa tržišta rada, zbog čega su nam vrijedan i pouzdan HR konzalting partner.
Dubravko Čižmešija, Country Manager

Iznimno smo zadovoljni suradnjom, koja je uvije bila profesionalna i ugodna, u vrlo prijateljskoj atmosferi. Surađivali smo na više selekcija i svaki puta je proces bio odrađen profesionalno, a kandidati su bili predstavljeni u vrlo korektnom vremenu. Konzultanti su sebi dali vremena da shvate naše zahtjeve, postavljali su dosta pitanja i na kraju odlično prepoznali kakvi nam točno ljudi trebaju. Dobili smo vrijedne članove tima kojima smo jako zadovoljni.
Vanja Mutvar, Managing Director
Vanja Mutvar
Managing Director